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What is Kolibrium?

Kolibrium is a declarative Kotlin library designed to reduce boilerplate code and find better abstractions to express Selenium tests in a compact way. Quickly bring your test automation efforts to life with less code and easy-to-read APIs.

Kolibrium is divided into several subprojects (modules), each of which can be used either independently or in conjunction with others.

  • selenium: offers a range of delegate functions for locating elements
  • ksp: offers code generation with Kotlin Symbol Processing (KSP) for part of the Page Object classes
  • dsl: offers Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) functions for creating, configuring, and interacting with driver instances
  • junit: offers an extension to write JUnit tests without boilerplate

You can decide to go all-in on Kolibrium by opting for all four modules or choosing just one or two. For example, you could use the Selenium library in conjunction with DSL and JUnit, or you could use Selenium with KSP.